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Portfolio - Painting Stories

One time Emma was given a paint-by-number picture to work on. The story is that after she was finished, she didn't want to waste the paint so she used it to paint her own picture.

After Emma sold the farm and went to live with Frannie Kaufman, she began saving card board of all kinds.  Blanche Rickert would go to junk shops and collect old picture frames for Emma to use.  Emma would cut her cardboards to fit the frames and then create her paintings.

Dorothy Ruark Engstrom shared the story that Emma wanted to learn to paint better and she talked with "Aunt Jessie Mallot", a well-known artisit in the Hilltown area.  Aunt Jessie gave her some painting tips and how to do shadows and such.

Here are a few examples of the backs of the paintings. Emma used cereal boxes, ice cream containers and gift boxes as her canvas.

Phyllis Barr Smallridge Minich recalls the paint tubes for some reason. She painted from photos. Some were from Aunt Fern while in Africa.

© 2015 by Linda Rickert Williams ~ The Emma Rickert Collection

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